BOW WOW WOW! Fetching Costumes for Your Dog

 Fetching Costumes for your Fabulous Dog 
 Halloween is a great time to turn Fido and Polly into adorable witches, vampires and biker babes.
 But these costumes are so special you'll also find many other occasions for dressing up your best friend.
 Does MooShu long to be a deep see pirate. Is Snowflake a Beverly Hills Valley Girl at heart. Santa Baby is perfect for Christmas and the French Maid will bring out smiles on Valentines Day. 
 With these easy to make patterns you can create amazing dog costumes that will turn heads and get tails wagging. Don't sew or have limited time?
 There are several simple and fun no sew projects. 
 The Basics
 The Pattern 
 Viva Las Vegas 
 Hound Dog
 Wedding Biker 
Babe Poker 
Time Doggy 
 Candy Striper 
 Sporty Guy
 Fire Patrol Dalmatian 
 Santa Baby 
 Femme Fatale 
 Tiny Dancer 
 French Maid 
 Red Hat Ladies 
 Beverly Hills Valley Girl 
 Traditional Cowdogs 
 Garden Fairy Hippy Dippy 
 Queen Bee 
 Clown Around 
 Spooky Vampire 
 Skully Sea Creature 
 Witch's Brew 
 Bad To The Bone 
 Goth Chick
 Rocker Dude 
 Jail Dude  Back Stage 
 About the Author 
