Embroidered Country Gardens: Create beautiful hand-stitched floral designs

Embroidered Country Gardens: 
Create beautiful hand-stitched floral designs

Can you tell your lupins from your foxgloves; 
your leaf stitch from your feather stitch? 
Or do you just love flowers and want to try your hand at embroidering them? 
For beginners and accomplished embroiderers alike, this charming book will capture your imagination. 
Learn from experienced teacher, Lorna Bateman, how to stitch a quintessential English country garden. 
For the nature enthusiast, there is plenty to get excited about: an A-Z of stitches including raised and textured stitches; an A-Z of flowers and how to stitch them; a section on insects; and how to embroider iconic images such as herbaceous borders, wisteria, the robin redbreast and romantic arches. 
As well as techniques and 12 step-by-step projects, there are outlines for tracing and pull-out pattern sheet with templates for the projects. Start with the small pincushion or thread catcher and as you grow in confidence, try the scissor keeper or needle case. 
If you have green fingers and a love of embroidery, this is the book you've been waiting for. 
